

  • hello, im 20 and i was that way i used to be on a diet for like a month then i would stop then i would start over again and just keep on repeating the same process, but now whenever im like oh ill just have one bad day i will always remind myself of why i am trying to loose weight or whats motivating me to loose it... and…
  • welcome, i hope MFP will help you in your weightloss and this really does work if you stick to im im still young im only 20 but i want to loose weight before my birthday for when i got to las vegas for my 21st birthday but there is great support on here and it really lifts your spirts! hope this works out for you good luck!
  • im 5'11 i did weigh 210 at one point then i lost all of it and weighed about 130 and all my family and friends told me i looked scary skinny and then i gained it all back after a seizer i had and my starting weight was 210 and now i weigh 179 and now i always want to go back to being 130 but for us tall girls we have to…