

  • I'll post when I've done more than two weeks of exercising. Deal? >.>
  • Thank you so so much! I'm going to use that tuna pasta salad because I've got tuna and pasta readily available >.< Oh all of those sound so yummy
  • Thank you so much! This sounds a lot like the recipe my housemate and I used a month ago
  • I can't grow a garden 1) My housemate's dogs would dig it up, 2) it's going into Summer here and Summer means droughts, which means water restrictions, 3) Costs for top soil are kinda expensive over here when I don't have money to spare. At all. If i wanted a garden, i would have asked for that. I'm asking for recipes. Can…
  • I'm talking $100AUSD a fortnight actually, so everyone going by one month etc I'm letting you know that for me it's fortnightly >.< I don't have a standard shopping list honestly, because my housemates have been helping me come up with food ideas and they don't know what to suggest now that I've changed my diet. Add into…
  • To stop from repeating myself, I'll say this again I'm just looking for recipes. No tips on what's great and what's cheap, I already know that from doing my own research the last year on being on my own. I just want recipes please. I won't be replying to anyone who's posting hints and tricks; I'm JUST after recipes
  • Actually, that website caters to more artistic and inventive cooks. even their basic recipes are too much for me when I'm in a rush to leave for course or just too tired at the end of the day to cook for an hour for a meal that just looks good but doesn't taste good. I've used their recipes before and I just don't like them
  • I'm restricted to "buying once a week" because I have to walk the 1.2km there and back to get the food; no car nor license is rather annoying when you're smack bang between two supermarkets. I've stopped impulse buying entirely so I don't have to worry about that thankfully. Also, i'm more asking for recipes than actual…
  • Thank you! That's the kind of recipes I'm after :D bookmarked <3
  • I was going to look at one after I do the groceries since I don't have money to spare :l And youtube hasn't pulled up anything for me, I don't like relying on videos when I have restricted internet anyway. I want actual websites, not just vague "search on youtube" hints thanks