neans29 Member


  • I'm goal is 1580 a day .feel free to add me ,my dairy is open so you can see what I eat .I am not normally hungry at all .only today as I have burnt 1500 cal from excreise :)
  • Hi all ,I'm a mother of two and am feeling the same way as you just doing everything for everyone else all the time also caring for extra children within my home .Im looking for extra motivation as well and can give it in return I'm on here every day .it would be great to have someone in the same boat as me :) feel free to…
  • I've had PCOS for most of my life struggling with my weight and most of the other symptoms that go with PCOS . I was told I would never be able to have children but I have proved them wrong and had two lovely girls .Now I am on a mission to lose this weight from PCOS and have babies feel free to add me as a friend just…