

  • She also has Clean Eating Magazine. I find fabulous recipes here as well as
  • I couldn't agree with you more. I am trying to eat cleaner myself. It also means staying away from deep fried foods and limiting intake of complex carbs. I've been shopping at my local farmer's markets. That helps to cut costs for me.
  • I completed Day 1 last night and it was tough. I can never do "true" push-ups (I have bad wrists), and that hurt. I had to take a quick break and get right back to them. What really quicked my butt were the side lunges w/the dead lifts. OMG!!!!!!!!!! I thought my arms were going to fall off! I'm sore, but not as bad off as…
  • Wow! Your results are true inspiration to me! I hope I look like that by day 17. Did you only do 30DS or were you do something else in conjunction?
  • Hi all! I'm a single mother in Georgia and I plan to start 30DS tonight. I will be turning 30 in April and I really want to lose at least 10 lbs by then. My weight has fluctuated since having my daughter in 2007. Losing weight is very difficult when you're busy tending to the needs of others. My goal is to be 45 lbs…