A_nori Member


  • I use my BMI as a guide. It is not the end-all, be-all but is something I look to for an idea of what I should weigh. I have never weighed in at a healthy BMI - my chest is way too huge even at my smallest - and I think that would be way too thin for me. But I would like to be closer to that number. My Dr said she doesn't…
  • I always either use the scan feature if it is available, which is always dead on. If it is not a packaged food (chicken/veggies/etc) I try to use the MFP option. Anything without a * was entered by the MFP staff so I trust that way more than something that one of us entered.
    in frustrated Comment by A_nori April 2014
  • Whenever I do a presentation at work, a mini blizzard is my "reward". I know we are not supposed to use food as a reward, but this helps me get through it. 400 calories is typically low enough that I can easily work it off with a good workout, and it counts as my splurge for the week.
  • If I listen to my body, I would never get off the couch. The couch is cozy and after a day of work, chasing around my toddler, getting dinner on the table and everything else, I am exhausted. So I ignore it when my body is telling me "just five more minutes" and get off my lazy butt. I can understand taking a day off when…
  • Eggs Tortilla wraps Lower calorie microwave meals for lunches on days I need something quick Popcorn
    in Must-Haves Comment by A_nori March 2014
  • We do dinner with each set of parents once a week, so I have two nights a week that I have to try to make work. The best solution I have come across is to tell both moms that I am working on getting healthier, and to please help me with my goals. The moms tend to make food I can fit into my plan easier. I make sure I get…
  • How many calories is MFP giving you? I would track accurately for a week or so without trying to cut out many calories. Just get a benchmark of what you are eating. You know that what you are doing now isn't working, but unless you are weighing and measuring everything you don't know what that is. So track for a week to…
  • It is a little confusing, but at the end of the day our bodies work best when they are within a range of calories. If you go too low, your body will think it is starving and begin to burn muscle mass which is really really bad. If you go too high, you gain weight. So you need to figure out what that range is for you.…
  • You have already lost more than what the average new born weighs!! Think about that for a second - you have lost more than an entire person in a month. That's pretty incredible! Go you!
  • My motivation was booking our 5th anniversary trip and realizing that I am about 30 lbs bigger than when we got married - and I needed to lose a few pounds then! I bought a second hand treadmill last week and love that I can jog while my toddler naps. I want to be a hot wife you know? So I have 168 days to get started…
  • I have always struggled with my weight, but I want better for my son. Consequently he does not get juice or pop (he is only 12 months, I figure he doesn't need either for some time!) but I am always getting flack for that choice. We were at a birthday party a few weeks back and there was apple juice and coke offered. I…
  • Yes, eat at least the 1650 for the first tri, 1850 for the second tri and 2000 for the third.
  • Congrats!! My little guy is 11 months, and after he was born I walked out of the hospital at my pre-pregnancy weight. The single most important thing is to eat enough. Make sure you are eating at least your maintenance calories right now. In the second trimester you can add 200 - 300 more and in the third trimester, you…
  • I had an account at MFP a few years back, did awesome and then fell off the wagon and gained it all back (totally my own fault!). When I decided to try again, I tried signing up for SP. I lasted a day before I got irritated by all the "stuff" - spinning wheels and earning badges and whatnot. I consider myself fairly…
  • I have bought it from Sobeys when I am doing lots of cooking with it. I have never looked elsewhere, but try Walmart if your Sobeys doesn't carry it. They have a good selection of Greek yogurt most of the time.
  • It has only been a week. There are going to be weeks where you see huge losses and weeks where you don't lose an ounce even though you did the exact same thing. Weight loss is not linear, so give it time.
  • I don't bother arguing with anyone over diet, its just not worth it. I tell them what I am doing and answer any questions but don't comment on what they are doing. My mother in law is certain that anything Dr Oz says is true, so every week there is a new diet or supplement or cleanse that she is on and she is still the…
  • I was about 200 pounds at around 20 weeks when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. My dietitian wanted me eating no fewer than 2000 calories a day and gaining at least .5 lb a week. I was never able to gain that quickly because I was eating so much better but I was consistantly between 2000 - 2500 calories a day and…
  • Start tracking your sodium, and try to stay close to the 2500 for that. I find salt makes me gain a ton of weight so that could explain why you are plateauing. Once you get rid of the water weight, I bet you see a drop.
  • I am trying to lose 35 lbs, so a similar amount to you. I have given myself 8 months to do it in, I hope to be at or close to my goal for September and so far I am on track to be a little bit ahead of schedule. But there will be bad weeks (and even bad months!) so I think the 8 months is do-able. I think aiming for 40 lbs…
  • I agree completely!
  • I use this blog a ton for cheap, easy meals. My husband and I both love them and with a little bit of meal planning I have brought down our grocery budget substantially. http://budgetbytes.blogspot.ca/
  • I manually set my goals to account for breastfeeding, so my calorie goal is 400 higher than MFP sets it at. You can also add breastfeeding as a cardio exercise and that will increase your calorie needs. Depending on how far postpartum you are, I would be careful with restricting your calories. When you cut back on…
  • Every morning, after I wake up and go pee. I notice a huge change based on how much my son nursed before I step on the scale, but there is not much I can do about that. I only record once a week, on Tuesdays.
  • You need to make sure you are getting sufficient calories while breastfeeding, otherwise your milk may dry up. For a 5 month old who is still exclusively breast feeding, I would add 500 calories each day. Your child is eating what you are eating, if you are not getting enough neither will your child. I think its great you…
  • At 2 weeks old, I would be focusing on getting all the nutrition you need and work on losing the weight later. The lack of sleep alone would make it tough to lose weight! If you are going to try to watch what you eat, remember that you need at least 500 extra calories a day for an exclusively breast fed baby. You need lots…
  • My son is almost 7 months old, and we are nursing along with solids. I added in 300 extra calories to account for the nursing and it seems to be working. One thought though, are you a stay at home mom? Because that burns more calories than a desk job. Also, make sure you are drinking a ton of water. My midwife wanted me…
  • The single best thing you can do to help lose the weight is to breastfeed. It burns about 500 calories a day! If you are breastfeeding you will certainly need more than 1200 calories a day to keep your milk supply up. I currently have mine set at 1700 calories. I am 6 months PP and just started to get into shape again and…
  • I am 6 months PP and just introduced solids to my son so I decided that if my milk dried up it would be ok and I could focus on losing weight. Right now I am eating back about 300 calories extra a day but he gets 2 solid meals a day. I think the most important thing when you are exclusively BF'ing is to make sure that you…