

  • Origin: esonnie (for Sims 3) Steam: ericalg (Skyrim) Battletag: Tak#1462 (Diablo 3) Xbox Gamer Tag: Rashenbo Feel free to add me up!
  • Me? Who are you? My name is Erica. I'm 35, I started playing games on the awesomeness of the Atari... and yes, loved "computer" day in school so I could play Oregon Trail. I'm female, or at least I was the last time I checked. I mean, when I play Munchkin sometimes I'm forced to become a man, but I'm pretty sure that isn't…
  • Hehehehehheeh, loving it.
  • Surprising The other day I went to lunch. I said to the waittress, "do you have shock top" she says, "Yes we do!", I say "yay", she brings said *shock top*... I take a sip... wtf.. "what is wrong with my shock top?"... "Oh, that's the pumpkin ale," says another waitress... it wasn't bad, I just wasn't expecting it... and I…
  • Tonight will be diet cream soda with some rum... num, num nummmmmmmm it's actually almost drink time! I drink it for the um, medicinal qualities.
  • Hi Mike, Well. I like cats too. I also like dogs. I like people, they can be fun, except for the ones who aren't. I'm in Rochester, so I don't know if I count as a "Minneapolis" person, but I think I count as a "Minnesota" person. I use the My Fitness Pal app more than the website but I'd be happy to have ya as a friend on…
  • Hi Feeb, My husband and I both recently decided to go to a gluten-free and low sugar diet. He's been on weight watchers and has been effective for him, he's lost over 30 pounds. I am not a big fan of dieting and I actually like being pretty curvy, but, getting diabetes and struggling with some of my other health issues has…
  • LOL I suspect your body is adjusting to the changes. Exercise hits our hormones (or can) and hormones can knock Aunt Flow around. So, I'd see a doctor if you are concerned about it but I wouldn't start to worry just yet. Good luck!
  • Welcome and good luck!!!! It's a pleasure to meet you.
  • hehe, I'm new so I thought at first this was just an inquiry into my mental stability, I mean, I'm totally going neurotic, but not insanity, but I suspect my take on your statement wasn't what you were looking for... what's insanity?
  • Hi Jen, Kudos to you for losing those pounds last year and starting off this year again. I have never successfully dieted before, so I'm hoping that I can put the focus and energy into this endeavor and get healthier myself. My husband and I are trying to conceive too and losing the weight would really help with that. PCOS…
  • I'm bored too, that's why I actually came on the site after playing with the app for a couple of days. I was going to play Sims 3 but an hour has passed since I've been "bored" and playing on the website, so I guess I'm not really that bored after all.
  • Aw... it'll take as long as your heart decides it needs. Which isn't very helpful and I'm sorry to not have a better answer for you. I mean, I could say it will end next Friday at 3:05pm, but then you might come and hunt me down. I'm actually on my third marriage, third times a charm, right? First one ended with a divorce…
  • I remember one time, I had this cookie... it was an ok cookie, a big ole oatmeal cookie, out of curiosity I looked it up, it had like a bazillion calories, at least 500 or 600... for a cookie. *gasp* Awareness is very helpful, I do have to say :)
  • Hi, I'm new too. It's great to meet you and it's awesome that you've set your eyes on a great prize, a longer, healthier life! Cheers!:wink:
  • Wow, thanks for all the fast hellos there. Here I was sitting at the computer thinking of what to keep myself occupied and *poof* the internet fairies have delivered. I'll go through and add those of you who have invited me to do so. I made my diary public... I think.
  • It's nice to meet you and good luck!
  • I'm 5'8" and 205 pounds and I range between a 16 and 18 depending on the brand or style of clothes.