

  • I gave up soda years ago and it took me a while to leave the sugar or artificial sweetener out of my iced tea. A few times a year I make my version of soda which is sparkling water (2 parts to 1 part) fruit juice, real fruit juice with no sugar added. But you have to be careful because the fruit juice has a lot of…
  • Try probiotics (generally in the refrigerated section of health food stores) or foods with live cultures, such as yogurt or kefir. Most people don't like the flavor of plain yogurt but it works really well, you can put fresh fruit in it. I know someone who is a LOT less gassy since he started eating plain yogurt.
  • I'm a stress eater too, I figured it out about 6 years ago. I thought, great, now it's fixed, I know what to do. Weird thing, I'm heavier than ever, I look at my life, it's pretty good, not too stressful, not more than I can handle. Yet I find myself eating stuff I'd never eat normally not because it's unhealthy (it is)…
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