gkc14 Member


  • hi! new to the herbalife and to the herbalife group, so forgive me if I am not answering what you are asking... first of all, dont know what an herbalife club is, but you can enter any food on your own, it does not have to be in the data base. You can create your own 'favorite' and put in the nutritional value yourself. So…
  • couple things... if she is 16 weeks, she is probably starting to teeth. Puppies revert back some when they are teething and make mistakes that had mastered before, however the peeing on the carpet "on purpose" after she has gone out in the morning doenst really fit that. The other thing that it sounds like is seperation…
  • thanks everyone!! hopefully this will keep me motivated. I know we can all do this together. Support is the key!! good luck :)
  • Claire- I have not set up the phone app, but plan to do that when I go out (wi-fi is horrible in my office). Are you able to use all of the same things on the phone app as on here? Like access to the forums? Guess it doesnt really matter since during the day I will have this site up and access to it and then be able to…