mandalynn1986 Member


  • It's cause I'm lazy and make excuses. This form of excercise is inexpensive, the more enjoyable kind for me are the classes which cost a lot of money. I appreciate the input... but i was looking for more motivating help. To stick with it?
  • Day 1 level 1 completed last night :D
  • Yep starting tonight once I get done with work :) I had started it last week but got lazy, not gonna lie, (lol) so I'm just going to make a fresh start tonight and power through it.
  • it is so great to see so many people still sticking to it! yay!!!! i've seen some results so far, with the measuring tape and on the scale, i did a full revamp of my diet and i know that is taking huge affect. I hope everyone else is starting to see reults too! even in the smallest ways! Its going to sound strange but the…
  • day 6 completed last night :) love seeing results people are showing already! cant wait til i see some results! Keep at it all!
  • Day 5 done :) feel off for a bit but I'm back to it. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • I will thank you! i'm gonna redo day 4 and just start from that point :) trying really hard not to be disappointed in myself....
  • i'm not gonna lie ya'll.... i fell off of it for a few days. i'm not going to make excuses, i'm just gonna go home tonight and do it. Great job everyone for keeping with it! Seeing the posts everyday is what i keeping me going.
  • Same here! been overweight since preteen years, so most of my life... alomost 30 now! but i made the decision a few days ago that its time to change before i hit that 30 mark :) Best of luck and stay motivated! Keep in mind ( i always have to tell myself) it is a slow process!
  • i took off the last two days cause i was sore and didnt feel well, so today i get back into it. I excited to see so many people still commenting and joining our little group! its encouraging/motivating to stick with it :) stay strong everyone! we can do this!
  • i'll be doing day 4 level one tonight... i had a rough calorie day today... stressful day at work and i allowed myself some not good for me (but delicious) treats.... so i'm a little saddened that i let that happen, but i will do 30ds tonight and hopefully that will make me feel better about things... keep up the great…
  • Its definitely not a waste, never a waste to workout :) my friend convinced me to not take the day off from 30ds so she and her daughter are gonna do it with me and I'm gonna give my body healing time from hiit :)
  • So... i think i will be taking today off from jillian.... and i think on the days that i do HIIT class will be days that i dont do jillian, its too much on my body right now. So tuesdays and thursdays will be my days "off". good luck today everyone and stay strong!
  • Completed day 3 level one just now.... I almost gave up. But my boyfriend was home (who is so in shape its disgusting!) And I just couldn't let him see me give up yet again. Wanted to cry but pushed through, now to find the energy to make it to/through spin class tonight! Oh and I took "before" photos today and I'm about…
  • Day 2 level 1 complete. Anyone else pretend they are punching Jillian when its time for the punches.... or is that just me? Lol
  • my xbox (which i use as a dvd player) rec'd the red circle of death last night, so i'm going to purchase a cheap-o dvd player and do the workout right after work today :) saddened that i couldnt do it this morning as i had hoped... but i will still do it today! i'll post later on after i've done it.
  • pretty sure if you click community then click my topics, it will show you the topics you have post in..... i think!
  • just did the math, 30min is roughly 2% out of the day... thats really not alot for us to get the results we want right? i like looking at it that way!
  • that doesnt seem like a fun schedule :( but i think you can do it! :) it is only a half hour. its not a whole lot of time right? Lol
  • i know right?!? i have decided that i am just going to have to wake up at 330am to do it so i find the time for it...otherwise i wont have the time and i'll start making the "excuses"
  • I wish there was a "like" button in the the message board, i am so super excited to have so many people who will be doing this with me. and honestly it makes me feel less of a failure to know that so many others have failed to complete it...(is that horrible to say?) BUT this time we WILL do and we will do it together!…
  • from what i understand the 30ds is dont 30 days straight, but you dont have to do so to see the results, some people do 5x's a week, some do 10days of each level with a day off inbetween each level. i think its alot of personal preferance......But i could be wrong... Lol i am definitely NOT the expert! :happy:
  • So my goal starting out is to aim for the 30 days straight. But i have a feeling it might end up being 5-6 days a week.
  • Thats how i planned on logging it as well
  • thanks! i will have to give that a try! cause i know i would get really annoyed with it :) lol
  • i'll be here for support if you do!
  • Those are amaxzing results! was this from the 30ds? I am shaped very similar in the belly area and thats the area i need the most work on, i'd be exstatic with those results! great job :)
  • Yay! Thats me too, i've started her program literally a billion times (okay maybe not literally) but i've never gone farther than a day or two into the second round. I'm excited that someone else will be starting tomorrow too! Maybe checking in each day will make me feel that i have to actually do it :)
  • :) i have a feeling it will take me a few rounds to get where I want to be goal-wise... But i just know if i can make it through this program just once it will give me the confidence i am lacking to help me continue to reach my fitness goals... the longest i've stuck with any fitness related thing has been maybe two weeks,…
  • i'll start tomorrow :) i've been wanting to start it again... but i never seem to stick with it. so here's to this time sticking to t!