daump Member


  • I think you should remind your brother of what he said and how it hurt. Then ask him if he still feels the same. As a guy, I have to admit that we usually just do not understand how some of our comments can make the other person feel. Help him understand so that he doesn't do this to more people. This is not an "I did it,…
  • About 82% of the population is right-side dominant (right handed). When confronted with a bright light, the reflex is to shield the dominant eye. Which means, that for 82% of the population, the right nostril is the place where the sun don't shine! Don't you just LOVE statistics!
  • It makes perfect sense. Please do not think it is a stupid question, because it is not. I think you know from when you lost weight before that we all hit plateaus. You may have hit one. So how do you get off the plateau? Keep doing what you have been doing correctly. You may be retaining more water than usual - I have when…
  • We all need success stories like yours to help us keep on track. But you probably know that because you did it! An absolutely fantastic transformation! And nice new do.
    in IMpossible Comment by daump October 2012