

  • I have lost 13 lbs almost effortlessly at age 54 and without much exercise (been very busy). I think this is because I stopped eating grains and potatoes (corn and potato chips were my weakness). I am simply not ravenous like before. I continue to lose weight steadily and am trying more and more to "eat paleo," although I…
  • Do a websearch and you can read how harmful margarine is. Butter, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil are the best choices. Especially bad are "vegetable" oils like corn oil, soybean oil, canola.
  • Seaweed gelatin would probably work too for filling you up. However, there are some amino acids in the animal product that are supposed to help skin tone, nails, hair. Do not eat gelatin as your only food, however. It is NOT a complete food. I am finding not eating any wheat and avoiding other grains is also making the…