samuelsson Member


  • Everything is related to everything else. Our bodies do not operate in a vacuum. As a result, what we eat, how our bodies metabolize food, where our energy is coming from, and our cycles all interact. I've spoken to a number of women who say that dieting in general has affected their cycles, and ketogenic diets…
  • Now I am sad because I know that these exist in the world. And sound wonderfully autumnal. And should be consumed.
  • Heylo all! I'm a little late joining the party so I'm going to do a catch-up on the other 3 weigh-ins, too... WEIGH IN #1 (Aug. 8) = 213.8 WEIGH IN #2 (Aug. 15) = 207.0 WEIGH IN #3 (Aug. 22) = 206.0 WEIGH IN #4 (Aug. 29) = 209.2 Change this week = +3.2 --> driving me NUTS because I'm exercising more and still eating at a…
  • I went in for major knee/leg reconstruction surgery 4 months ago and they had to weigh me. It was the first time I'd stepped on a scale in 2 years and I was shocked to discover that I'd gained 55 pounds since then (although, let's be honest, I had suspected...). I actually didn't decide to change right after the surgery.…
  • Love this calculator: Editing to add: If you use the above calculator (AND YOU SHOULD!), make sure to select "Customized Activity Level" under "Formula". Then you enter in the breakdown of minutes per week in which you engage in each level of activity. Be very, very honest. No one will…
  • Hey babe! So glad you posted this NSV -- it's so incredible. I'm proud of you each and every day! =D
  • I salute you. If I were a Victorian gentleman, I would doff my hat to you. Fantastic job, girl! You're looking AMAZING and your progress is truly awe-inspiring.
  • That is truly some pride-worthy progress! Your changes are so noticeable already. Keep it up, and I hope you post when you reach your next major milestone. =D
  • Like a lot of other posters on this thread, I have dealt and continue to deal with my fair share of health problems. And lifting weights ABSOLUTELY helps with them. It can be intimidating to consider at first, but if you get a good personal trainer, it might not feel so scary. Or talk to your mfpals about what they do!…
  • *laughs* Love the night shift enthusiasm! I need more of this...
  • Oh nos! I'm so sorry to hear about your MONSTER ear infection. It's crazy when something like this happens -- we think, "Who gets ear infections after the age of 6?!" I hope you heal quickly and splendidly, my dear! In the meantime, I fully support protein shakes (chocolate protein powder + natural peanut butter +…
  • Also, I think you look ADORABLE in your photos now. =D (And beautiful, too, but I love the adorable self-confident smile!)
  • I have congratulated you already, my friend, but seeing this post makes me want to congratulate you again. Those photos are INCREDIBLE, Jenn! You look so very different, and I agree that the picture from behind is the most striking. You are my daily inspiration. I can't wait to start training for the half-tri!
  • Usually 3-4 lbs., but it can get as high as 5 lbs., especially a couple weeks ago when it was nearly 100% humidity. It's gone in the morning, and if I'm doing well, so is a leeeeeettle extra weight, too. And yes, if I move my scale to a different place (still an even, hard surface), the weight will change anywhere from…
  • Hello, my name is Sam and I am an MFP addict. Feel free to add me -- that goes for anyone looking for a slightly snarky, chatty, obsessive MFPal. I even take MFP into the shower with me. It is my preciousssssss. (And congrats on the great life transformation -- 70 lb. lost AND marathons run! Nice.)
  • Heylo everyone! Please add me, too, if you're looking for a supportive new MFP friend. =) I started on my Weight Loss Adventuretime (I'm trying to make it sound fun) about 6 weeks ago and have lost 21 lbs. so far. I am NOT looking to be "skinny", I am looking to be fit and healthy and confident in the woman I am. I would…
  • Thanks, Tim! I haven't plateaued yet -- been having steady weight loss, although not in the giant leaps and bounds it seems like I was having when I first started. =P (The Whoosh Fairy hasn't visited in a while...*sadface*) But I have bookmarked and am ready to try my first fat fast as soon as I need that extra push. What…
  • Avoid any "fat burning" product. Most of them are gimmicks, and you want to aim for a regulated metabolism, one that will see you through the weight loss AND the weight maintenance. Add some strength training to your cardio, too. And don't be afraid of the measuring tape. Measure once every other week, and you can do an…
    in newbie Comment by samuelsson August 2013
  • Nope. It said I would be 7 pounds lower than I actually am, 5 weeks later. Boo. But I'm aiming now for NSVs to take my mind off the scale numbers, because I know I'm gaining muscle mass with lifting and exercising, and I'm feeling better overall. I did jot down my number when I started 6 weeks ago, and last week those…
  • I love it: "he seemed appeased". =D
  • It looks like we're divided: some of us are happy to see the ladies decrease, and others want them to stay the same! I have a very large ribcage so my band size has always been pretty large. Before my major weight gain, I was a 38B -- I'm now a 40DD. It definitely makes exercising more challenging! Christine, you can have…
  • Are you serious?! I hit 20 lbs. gone today (huzzah! time to buy my Polar FT4 reward!) and my breasts are freaking HUGE still. I don't get it! Before I gained all this weight I had fairly modest-sized ladies, and then they grew to ginormous ladies with my huge weight gain. Now...they are still huge. I would like them to get…
  • Do you want to primarily gain muscle mass or tone the muscle that you have? Either way, weight lifting will build muscle. But fewer reps at near-maximum weight will build muscle mass; more reps at a lower weight will help you strengthen and tone your muscle (there will still be some building, of course). If you're going to…
  • Heylo! I'm relatively new to MFP -- I joined last fall but didn't really start using it until 6 weeks ago, and now I'm on it ALL OF THE TIME. I may be obsessed. =D Feel free to friend me! I'm just starting my Weight Loss Grand Adventure but have had pretty good progress so far. I'm very good at cheerleading, too.
  • I will be your friend! I have been doing keto for 6 weeks now (18 lbs down!) and have been hoping to make some virtual keto friends here on MFP. Please add me -- and that goes for all the others on this thread, too! =)
  • Heylo! I'm 5'4" (5'5" on a tall day...anyone else have tall days?!) and have 57 lbs. more to lose -- quite a journey ahead of me. The weight crept up over the past couple of VERY stressful years. Please do add me! I only discovered the MFP community recently and love supportive virtual friends.
  • Thanks for the recommendations thus far! Okay, so my total weight loss goal is 77 lbs. I also want to increase strength in my legs (I have bad knees) and improve muscle tone. Right now I am still on crutches following a major knee surgery, so I need to adapt exercises to accommodate my recovery for the next month. At the…
  • BOTTOM LINE: Some research suggests we process nutrients differently at night. Eat smart -- don't give in to your cravings for salty, starchy carbs at night! Get plenty of sleep (sleep improves insulin sensitivity). And if you wake up in the middle of the night, DON'T EAT. Drink a glass of water instead. From Oregon Health…
  • Sounds like a terrific goal -- would bring me to a weight just this side (the good side) of a number I dislike. =) So I'm in! What has helped you guys in the past? What do you do each day toward this goal?
  • Like all the others who replied to your post, I understand where you're coming from. Chronic pain is such a bugaboo (yes, I just used that word) because it affects SO. VERY. MANY. ASPECTS. OF. OUR. LIVES. It's hard for others to understand and truly empathize with, although they can be supportive. I have a degenerative…