RaineMarie Member


  • I'm training for the Nike Women's Marathon this October! My long run this week is only 10 miles - running a half marathon at the end of this month, too. :)
  • Back in 2008 I gave up soda for about 6 months. I couldnt believe how much better I felt. The first few weeks were tough with caffeine withdrawal - I am not a big coffee drinker, so soda was my only caffeine source. I also only drank regular soda - the taste of diet soda is absolutely disgusting to me. Anyway, after 6…
  • I have the Garmin 110w. It's pretty basic. I rarely ever use the HRM - I find the chest strap annoying, and my heart rate can get pretty high naturally and it sometimes freaks me out even though I've been to the doctor and I am fine and apparently just have a high heart rate when I workout. The 110w doesnt do anything…
  • I dont like the texture of gels, so I've been sticking with the Cliff Shot Blocks, and occassionally Gu Chomps. I think I just like chewing something. But I think it's very individualized.
  • I actually have a really difficult time running if I dont have my music :( Not because I need the music to keep me going, but because I have OCD tendencies, and one of them is counting my steps! Imagine running for 2 hours, counting each and every step you take! Music seems to help distract my brain from doing this;…
  • We met at work. I am a military lawyer and he was the commander of the military police at our base. We attended some meetings together and I had the biggest crush on him. He's 9 years older than me and outranks me by two ranks. About 4 months later, a guy in his unit got in a lot of trouble, and I was the attorney working…
  • Just started Stage 1 yesterday. I'm actually using it as my strength program during my marathon training so that I dont lose too much muscle mass with all of the running that I am doing, so I may not get as heavy as I would if I wasnt marathon training, but it works for me. And I am only doing the workouts 2x week instead…
    in Stage 1 Comment by RaineMarie June 2013
  • Sending friend request! I am training for my first full marathon!
  • I can't sleep in an unmade bed. If the bed wasnt made in the morning and it's now bed time, I have to make the bed first before I can go to sleep.
  • Bump! I need more yummy salad ideas!
  • I use both. I like the community at sparkpeople better, but I do all of my logging here at MFP. I think the food database is much better to navigate on MFP. But I like the community support is much better at sparkpeople, and I enjoy their website overall much more. I just cant seem to leave MFP because of the food logging.
  • Actual job: military lawyer (Air Force JAG) Dream job: civilian victims' rights lawyer; or a college english professor. :) I love being a military lawyer, but I dont know that I'll stay in for a full twenty years. I'd like to have some stability in my life, too!
  • Add me as a friend! I'm planning to do my first full this October... I entered the random draw for the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco and will find out in 2 weeks if I get selected. If I dont get selected, then I am planning to do Rock & Roll Denver, which is the same day. This is my first official week of training!
  • I'm alternating right now between Asics Gel Kayano and Saucony Progrid Guide, but I think I like the Sauconys better because there is a bit more room in them.
  • I'll add you! I'm just starting to add in lifting to my routine again and need some lifting friends!
  • Trainers can definitely be super helpful! After law school, I had a little less than a year before I went on active duty with the Air Force (JAG Corps) and knew I needed to get into better shape before hand. I tried for a few months to do stuff on my own at the gym, and felt like I wasnt making any significant progress, so…
  • If I do the same workout at different times of the day I burn different amounts of calories. I never burn as much in the morning, probably because I am still half asleep, and I dont get my heart rate as high. Its really only an estimate anyway, but there are various factors that can affect your intensity level from…
  • Havent been around much lately, but I did finish Week 5 this morning! After 4 weeks I had lost pretty much no weight, but I dropped one pant size and 4.75 inches, so I am continuing onward. Definitely need to spend a bit more time focusing on my nutrition though so I can start to see the scale move!
  • Active duty Air Force officer here. Just hit my 4 year mark and agreed to a new assignment for another 2 years. :)
  • I have the Polar FT4 and I've never experienced it going to 0 - but my old FT7 used to do it a lot because the strap wasnt tight off. I know make sure its super snug, which means adjusting it before every workout. I definitely get variable readings doing the same workout. Your body becomes more efficient over time. Also, I…
  • I did one last September - wear white, but the color still may not come out. I had a white tshrit on, and a white sports bra - I threw the tshirt away but kept my sports bra - and it is still multicolored after washing it every week since then. I had blonde hair at the time and didnt have any issues with the color in my…
  • Today I started Week 5! Cant believe it's Week 5 already! I subbed out Fire 55ez for Fire 45 because I like 45 better :) Will weigh and take measurements this weekend and see how the 1 month changes ended up (if any!). I'm also running a 5k race tomorrow morning!
  • I do both. Usually I will do Turbo Fire in the morning and another workout in the afternoon/evening. Or some days I will flop and do Turbo Fire after work. I think the endurance I'm building frm Turbo Fire is helping me feel less winded, at least. I think if you can make the time in your schedule, there is no problem doing…
  • I'm in week 4 right now! Feel free to add me! I also do additional running and other cardio on top of Turbo Fire. I've only lost 2lbs so far, but I did drop one pant size already!
  • I've made it into Week 4, and today I have HIIT 20 and Sculpt 30 after work! No weight change this week, so I am still only showing a 2lb loss, but I did drop one pant size - from an 8 to a 6! Hooray!
  • I've had 4 knee surgeries, including a patella realignment, after which my doctor told me I would likely not be able to do high impact exercises. I have since run two half marathons, and countless 5ks. My best advice: * get fitted for proper running shoes at a specialty running store, and get custom inserts (they are…
  • Today is my last day of Week 3 and I am pretty excited about that! I use a Polar Ft4 and I think it is very accurate. I like it.
  • Yesterday I did Fire 45EZ and I also ran 3 miles. I enjoyed 45EZ much more this time than last week, and I woke up this morning and my obliques are super sore - not sure what happened, but I like it! Today is Core 20 and Stretch 40 for me, but I might change it out for my Yoga For Athletes dvd instead. Also, I was doing…
  • If you are concerned you should see a doctor. Some amount of popping or cracking might be normal, and some may not, but it really varies from person to person. I wouldnt purchase a knee brace without knowing what is actually wrong with it - different types of knee braces treat different types of problems, and you can…