

  • I just became really addicted to DDR. I got one of those foam dance pads. Slightly more expensive, but definitely worth it. :smile: I have Supernova, but I don't really like the songs on it. Which ones do you guys like?
  • One day you're going to meet a complete *kitten*, who is clearly too old for you. I know you're going to think he's adorable and all, and you will be amazed that someone of his hottness would even consider talking to you, and I know it'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but TOO BAD. Go to his myspace and stare at…
  • Ahh, I wish I would've stuck to this. I tend to eat like a beast on Saturdays, especially if I do good for the rest of the week. I consider it a reward to myself. Today I rewarded a bit TOO much. I had a graduation party and a block party. And I'm a veggie, so the only thing that I could eat was complete junk. Everything…
  • Are we all testing now? XP Haha
    in tickers Comment by Briana_XD July 2008
  • Haha, yesss, now I don't feel as bad when the scale goes UP when I've actually been exercising. =]
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