memtester Member


  • Thanks for all the support. I've had a really great time of it. Just water to drink today, limited to a litre for the day but i'm pacing myself ok and have no dryness. Was able to get up and shower this morning which was great. I have to try some puree food in the morning, and if I'm okay with that I'll get to go home in…
  • Hope the surgery went well. Looking forward to watching you hit your goal weight.
  • Thanks again for all the great posts here, it's been very reassuring for me. I meet with my surgeon tomorrow and I'm going to make sure he understands I definitely want to go ahead. I'm hoping we'll be able to arrange the dates tomorrow too but that might be wishful thinking. I'm hoping to be finally on the journey in the…
  • Thanks again for all of the replies. @pawoodhull, the story about your boss is great, and when put that way, makes it difficult to decide against the surgery. I go to see my surgeon next Thursday and hopefully we'll set a date to move forward at that appointment.
  • Thanks for all the replies. Reassuringly, it sounds like it's pretty common for people who've repeatedly failed to lose weight without surgery to succeed afterwards. I've read so much about people saying it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and will power after surgery to make this work that I started worrying that if…
  • Hi all, thanks for posting. csmccord, there are lots of videos on youtube about it, mostly from the surgeon who I think pioneered the surgery - Dr Rutledge. grim_travelle, thanks for the info, i'll do some more research. For info, I'm in UK and am self-paying. The surgeon wasn't pushy - sorry to have given that impression.…
  • It sounds like you're at a similar stage as me - having to decide which operation to have. I've just posted about Mini Gastric Bypass which my surgeon proposed last week. Have you considered that? I hadn't even heard of it but am coming around to the idea having previously decided that VSG was the way to go. The plus…