I'm a walker, but want to put in 100 miles for July. So far, July 1 - 7 is 24.77. Is there a link to the spreadsheet?
I'm in. Is there a spreadsheet for the challenge?
Keep up the terrific work! Before you know it, you will look back and say "it didn't go as slow as I thought." I look at my journey and can't believe it started so long ago. You are well on your way!
Each picture showed a pretty person, and to see you 100 lbs lighter shows a very happy you. You are an inspiration!
You are on the right track and I'm impressed you kept it off during off-time. One pound at a time and it adds up before you know it!
You should be proud of yourself! This is impressive!
You look so awesome!
Could you please add me to the spreadsheet? I have 13.1 miles for the first two days. Thanks!
Please add me. I did a 1/2 marathon on Sunday, so add 13.1 for me through the 2nd. How do I get on the spreadsheet?
I'm in for 100 miles. I started on the 2nd with a 1/2 marathon in Vegas. Got a PR at 3:30:20. So, put down 13.1 for the first two days of December for me!
Fantastic! That's one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen!
Way to go! You're over a week early on the goal - awesome job! I'm pretty sure I'll make it by the middle of next week. That'll be two months in a row for me!
I'm also out of the house from dark to dark - I hate winter! I am working out on a treadmill during the week and try to get outside on the weekends. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon on December 2nd, so will get my last big mile walk in tomorrow, and then taper off. I love seeing the numbers going up and up - well done to…
I did 114.15 miles! Woo hoo!
Congrats to all who are training for November. We are at the final countdown for Thursday. I'm there with the 1/2 marathoners. I am running the Rock N Roll in Vegas on December 2nd. I haven't done one in over 10 years, and hope I'm up for it. I'm going to stay inside today and do the treadmill for 3 hours and see how far I…
I had a few rough days of being extra tired. I need to make up for it this weekend. I did 14.6 miles.
72.3 miles as of the 18th.
Does anyone know how to do an exercise tracker on the website? I've seen it on other challanges. Am looking forward to this one!
I'm 50 and changing my life! I would be proud to be friends with any/all of you!
I am a walker, but still want to be part of this challenge. I try to do 3-5 miles for 5 days, and then a long walk (8-10 miles) on the weekend. I take the day before my long walk off, except for weight training.
Awesome job! Congratulations! You look fantastic.
My goal is 85 miles in October. Here's my mileage: October 3 - 4.5 October 4 - 3.5 October 6 - 8 miles October 7 - 5.9 October 8 - 3.6 October 9 - 3.6 October 10 - 5.5 October 11 - 5.7
Hi, I'd like to get in, too. I know my miles since the 1st. Lisa
I did it! Phew! Thanks for this challenge.
I'm in. Training for a 1/2 marathon in December, so I need to do at least 4 miles a day and an 8-10 mile walk on Saturdays. I did 9 miles today! Yeah!
I'm in!
I live in Centennial