heartcallah Member


  • i honestly think it's just not being educated or perhaps self conscious if they try to lift a heavy weight and don't succeed, they might look silly around all the men ? I don't know if i lift "heavy", but I push myself as much as i can go. Again, it's all relative. it's heavy for me!
  • just bought one, yesterday. Haven't taken full advantage but I think it's great to get a true idea of how active i am. it's comfortable to wear! i love the idea of the silent alarm and can't wait to test it out tomorrow morning.
  • you go where you are headed… so if you think you'll fail, you will fail. Visualize success because you got this! If you truly want to change your life, stop eating prepackaged foods. Fill up on REAL foods with REAL ingredients. Avoid anything refined (and yes, I mean grains, breads, sugars!). Veggies, fruits, meat, nuts,…
  • I've been following primal blueprint for 6 days. I have an IBD. My specialist had told me I was ready to cut down meds, so I did, and bleeding increased within a week and was still worsening even after going back up to daily. So, I started primal and within 4-5 days I've already decreased bleeding. Still not completely…