

  • I did the P90X workout for 90 days and then I did another 90 days followed by adding in the P90X Plus workouts. I loved it! I lost at least 15 lbs in the first few weeks and following the meal plan can be at times hard, but it will help you stay on course. Some of the workouts are tough, but are rewarding. I am still doing…
  • I've already done two rounds of the P90X workouts with great results. The yoga was tough at first, but like everything else gets easier the more you do it. There is also the x-stretch workout for a recovery day and the cardio-x that combines yoga, and several other workouts into a 40 minute routine. The cardio-x is alittle…
  • I've done the classic version. I started last June and did the first 90 days with great results! I then added the P90X plus workouts to the classic version. The first month I lost at least 15 lbs. I've done another round of the classic version and love it. Of course the key is the meal plan. It took me about two weeks to…
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