Mondo_ Member


  • Hey, I'm from London and have been stopping and starting my diet for over 18months had lost 2 1/2 stone but have recently put 1 back on!!! From Slim Fast, WW, MFP and Primal, I'll try anything to get rid of this baby weight!!!
  • My brother and Sil have been doing 100% Paleo for 6 months so far... He's lost over 8 stone and she's lost 4 plus... I am currently doing probably 80-20, I'm still struggling to completely cut out bread and crisps which are my weakness! I will get there one day. When I first started I did 100% and felt SO much better after…
  • Hi, I'd say your body is probably rejecting the crap now and craving the caffeine in the coke! I was the same when I first started cutting bad things out , crazy migraines when I cut out coke and tea..had to drink s**t loads of water to get rid, but it went away after maybe a week. Also it made me fuller which could…
  • Hi I've just joined Myfitnesspal today and spotted the dreaded word Shred! Me and around 10 other girls from my baby group did this a few months ago and ALL of us went down at least a dress size in the 30 days. Weight loss wasn't huge for most of us, the old muscle weighs more than fat was said over and over again. I only…