Nyx192 Member


  • I'm starting today :)
  • Make sure you post results! :) I have it sat on my HD but injuries and final month of a degree prevent me from starting it for about a month but after that I'm gonna do it! Really excited for it :)
  • Been here about 3 weeks now and so far lost 12.4 lbs :) Struggling a little at the moment with a lot of uni deadlines and no time to even think about exercise, let alone do any. I'm trying to be more active when at uni or in work to try compensate a little though. Feel free to add me.
  • I've done WW on and off for the last few years now. Each time I plateau at about a 7lb loss. In the summer I managed 6lb with WW then plateaued and 8lb with slimming world then plateaued. Eventually I got fed up as nothing would shift it and I gave up. I'm loving MFP though! I lost 9 lbs my first week then had a bad week…