

  • This is a really long thread with a lot of posts and I read some, but I really wanted to weigh in (pardon the pun). I had my first baby at age 31, second at age 33. First I gained 40lbs, second one I gained 25 lbs. The big, big difference was what I ate. I ate ice cream and drank chocolate milk frequently during my first…
  • Personal trainers are the WORST for not returning equipment to its place and leaving crap lying around all over the floor for others to trip over.
  • I hate the hogging machines thing. I walk up to the leg press, it's fully loaded with 5 45-lb weights on each side. Just when I'm done unloading and reloading the machine some dope walks up and goes, "I was using that." Cuz ya didn't see me standing here effing around with it for the past five minutes!!?? And this has only…
  • Could your 13-year-old help the littlest with his homework? Or could you jump squat burpee the number of answer to all the math equations? Your life is pretty hectic, I don't envy you. Could you carpool with other parents? Are any of these activities within walking distance at a pinch? Could the kids take the bus at all?