Alidawnt Member


  • I'm back for a second round, fell off the wagon last time. Just started up a couple of days ago, so trying to get myself back into the mindset again. I didn't really reach out to people last time, so thought this time I should. Hopefully I can get some motivation from others :) Add me too!
  • I'm back for a second round, fell off the wagon last time. Just started up a couple of days ago, so trying to get myself back into the mindset again. I feel the same. I am tired of not looking good in clothes, unable to find pretty outfits. I want to go on a hot holiday with my hubby & I want to feel good in a bathing…
  • Hi feel free to add me!! I'm looking to meet new people to help support & motivate me as well!
  • HI all! I'm Allison from Saskatchewan, Canada. I just turned 39 on the 16th, married & have 2 great kids. My weight has slowly been creeping up on me. I quit smoking 2 years ago & at that time I told myself not to worry about the weight just worry about not having a cigarette. I've gained 30lbs because of it :cry: My…
  • Hi! CW - 198 (as of Nov 19) GW - 188 Let's do this!!
  • I've been on here for just about 2 months. Been tracking faithfully, haven't lost a bunch of weight yet but I'm going to keep at it. Adding you as a friend now :smile: