

  • I just started eating 'pseudo' paleo. Pseudo because I haven't felt the need to get rid of dairy, and I will drink coffee. I also eat potatoes and sweet potatoes. I changed because I figured I have nothing to loose, and we wanted to cut bread and pasta from our diet. (my husband and myself). I was also always hungry and…
  • Oh goodness... the breakouts... I can empathize, I'm 32 and I STILL break out. I'm battling a break out right now as we speak. I know that part has to be hormonal... but its still super frustrating....
  • That is what I was going to suggest to her. 3 days afterwards seems like a good amount of time for the body to bounce back to a more normal weight. I would suggest just staying away from the scale if you know you will show a higher weight and you know its just going to frustrate you... I wouldnt take it as a reflection of…