

  • I agree. It's like in the airplane. You have to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you can help someone else. So make sure you are getting at least your bare minimum mental and physical needs taken care of first. And then family. They will be there when work is not. Thirdly, work. But remember why you go to work.…
  • This goes through my mind on a daily basis. But it should. They key is to maintain a good work/life balance. I am not a schedule kinda person. But it does help to have a general routine daily. A good book to read regarding this very issue is Stephen Covey's "7 habits of highly successful people."
  • I have the P90X but lost steam after I had a hernia surgery and never went back. It was a great work out. I have been running a lot lately. But I might get back to P90X soon.