I'm curious too. I've lost 43 pounds and for the past couple weeks, I've lost .4 and .2...I started eating more at lunch...I was only drinking a shake for breakfast and lunch, eating protein and my veggies for dinner. I am hoping that helps the scale to move, I need it to stay encouranged. So what did you all do to shake…
This is a great idea!
I love the cocoa puffs!!! I mix them with the peanut butter puffs and eat half...chocolate and peanut butter! What could be better?? Apparently the strawberry wafers are fantastic FROZEN!
Yes, it's ok to split your protein up during the day... I eat an egg at lunch and the rest of my protein for dinner... :)
Yes, I have had them for years. I notice them if I drink folgers coffee..and I notice them when I am under a tremendous amount of stress. Sometimes I just get one out of the blue... Doctors ran a whole bunch of tests on me too but never found anything...I am doing the Ideal Protein diet and ever since I have not had one…
Sassafrascas, you should look into it. It is the only diet that is working for me. I've lost 27 pounds in 10 weeks. It is a restricted diet but when you get into ketosis, you won't be hungry... :)