teinabarlow Member


  • For about 8 months I've been very unhealthy. I live on coffee, don't eat during the day most of the time and maybe eat noodle soup and snacks. I have a busy bookkeeping business so I'm at my desk all day. I've gained 12 lbs this year. Every other week I actually cook lunch and supper because my husband is home. Now my…
  • I have Hashimotos (2010) and rheumatoid arthritis (1995). I've been taking levothyroxin and liothyronine (aka Cytomel) plus humira for the RA. When I had my first thyroid storm in 2010 my thyroid was noticeably swollen and I gained 10 lbs in about a week. It was a really bad time because I was precepting for EMS and my…
  • I started listening to the podcast Body Do Over from episode 1, and it's really helped a lot - they even have an episode about this issue of cardio vs weights. I have the iPhone app "Strong" which is the best that I found for logging workouts. Quick answer: weights build muscle. Muscle burns fat for longer after you've…
  • I'm starting Day 1 tomorrow. Thank you for posting your success - gave me some hope! How was your diet through this, and when you started, did you get through Day 1 completely or what did you do? Thanks!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Well THANK YOU. I really appreciate your post because I was looking for where to start. I have a few of Jillian's videos, but which one will give me a body-shape change so I'm motivated to keep going? I am REAL BEGINNER - like I can jog 90 seconds at a time when doing a walk-run program on the treadmill. My cardio sucks.…
  • Current weight 170 Goal weight 140 I'm not sure what to expect in 12 weeks. I'd like to be wearing my size 30 jeans and shorts 5'7" - Turned 43 yesterday! Waist 33 Hips 43 Chest 39 Arms 12.5 Thigh 27 I was hot 10 years ago: 140 and 18% bodyfat. Today I hate how I look and have only one pair of jeans that fit. I haven't…