

  • why stay away from alli? what does protein powder achieve? If I don't ask I'll just wonder :)
  • Well at least you're trying ;) I'm having a go at boot camp but between the boys finding it hilarious that I'm jigging about and my toddler getting underfoot (literally) oh and then baby needing feeding... I'm gonna get there though - off running on Monday for first time since school - That's just being a mum tho - never a…
  • Okay new to all this 34 yo Mum of Five Breastfeeding - so always hungry!!! I've decided that I really need to lose weight and get more healthy and active! Try to log every day but can be a struggle :) starting weight 192 lbs. not really sure what the end weight should be - more about how I feel ;) I used to be really…
  • Whoop whoop managed to achieve 10k twice this week :-) Mission accomplished Next week will aim for x3.
  • I'm in, got Pacer on my. iPhone - it talks straight to the app so brill ;) Going to aim for 10k steps twice a week as my base. as an aside how do I get the weight lost ticker at the bottom of my posts?