palbiniak Member


  • I think you should check with your doctor because it could be hormonal. The doctor can help! Also, are you taking Omega 3 supplements (flax oil, fish oil)? That might help too.
  • I have two friends who did it and both said it works like a charm. What makes me nervous about is that it's based on hormones and I've had blood clots in the past so I feel I need to be careful with stuff like that. I would consult my doctor before trying it.
  • You look like a different person. Amazing work! Keep it up!
  • It's just salt bloat and water retention. You can't gain four real pounds in a weekend because each pound = 3500 calories. I don't think you ate 14,000 calories extra over the weekend. So forget about the four pounds and spend the next few days going back on plan and drinking as much water as you can hold to flush out that…
  • I've read some studies on this and evidence is inconclusive either way. I think you get the benefit of both no matter what order you do them in, the key is just to do them. I personally prefer cardio first, then strength -- much better to lift when your muscles are warm. A really good way to do it is to integrate both --…
  • Tessa, you are like the original poster - you aren't eating enough and your body is in starvation mode. Up your calories to at least 1200/day, more if you exercise, and eat five small meals a day and see if that helps. That said, one pound a week is actually good progess. Don't feel defeated -- feel psyched! You've lost 14…
  • Wow, you look great! These pictures should really motivate you!