Magserdo Member


  • Thanks!
  • Add in a little bit of time before and after your workout to stretch. If you have access to a sauna, use it! Get that lactic acid out. Its what attributes to muscle soreness.
  • I feel like I just got Rick Rolled.... But Its a good one! Congrats! Sounds like you've been doing some strong work!
  • Stop weighing yourself so frequently. I'm sure there is more that you would like to obtain than a smaller number on a scale. For instance: a smaller pant size or to feel healthier and not be so tired all of the time. If you can afford a personal trainer, I recommend getting one. There is a chance that your form could be…
  • try to drink 3L of water a day. Also, do more weigh training than cardio. Once you stop running, you stop burning calories. With weight training, you could stop working out and still keep burning calories due to the energy and effort your muscles require to recover. When you do weight training, little tares appear in your…
  • Her low BMI/weight can kill her. Your body will eat away at muscle when you are that thin. Your heart is a muscle.... you can have a heart attack due to a low BMI.
  • I work with eating disorders and when I saw her walk out, I thought about calling the show and giving her a referral. Its sad to see that she is as ecstatic as she is about the way she looks now(which is emaciated) and how she is defining it as being the confident girl that has been hidden all alone. The number on the…
  • Excellent work! I quit on new years day. Im 26 days in! I gotta say, Ive been more productive since I quit. I feel so much better. Congrats on YOUR strong work :)
  • Dont weigh yourself! It can become a vicious cycle to obsess about the number on the scale.If you really want to note differences in yourself, take pictures once a week. If you have a picture for every week of your journey, it can make it easier to notice the physical weight loss.