MrsRachaelM Member


  • I was absolutely starving yest. I went from who knows how many calories in a day to only 1200 or under. I have been really watching what I'm eating and using the app like a crazy person. As far as the working out I am on day 4 (haven't done the workout yet today) and I am telling you I can barely walk up the stairs because…
  • I am in a local weight loss group on Facebook and Ive told them about 30 day shred and they are on here... jebloom and kansasqt25 are doing the shred or are going too...I think they would love this group....
  • My name: Rachael My age: 31 Current weight: 180 Goal Weight: 150 - 145 I am a stay at home mom and have been in a rut for years. I have an 8 and 3 year old. I gained 60 pounds with my 8 year old and I'm still holding on to most of it. I've started the shred several times and I've been so sore after day 2 or 3 that I just…
  • I don't have a scale, but last time I weighed I was 190. My goal is 150-145. I started the shred on the 24th and made it the whole way, however I did stop several times to catch my breath. Yest on day 2 I only stopped three times for no more than 5 sec at a time. Today for day 3 I'm pushing for no stopping, even though my…
  • I started today as well. I had already planned on it. I have started several times but never get past level 1. I have a good friend pushing me so hopefully the accountability and this site will help me stick with it.