

  • Let me just say, I personally think it is so awesome to see people at the gym, working their *kitten* off, getting it done...heavy or slim. When I think of the people at the gym who I laugh at, the ones I shake my head's the trim/buff meatheads/jocks who talk 90% of the time, do a few reps, scream a bit, flex and…
  • It definitely sounds like ER, and fortunately you were in tune to your body, went to the hospital and got "flushed out" before your kidneys suffered. I think it's very smart to keep hydrated and given your history to be careful with overexertion. I would be curious to know how many people have suffered the same problem you…
  • That looks absolutely delicious...I'm stealing it...but I'll reference you :-)
  • Awesome, just keep pushing yourself...I'm trying to do the same. I used to work in an office and loved having the ball, plus you can bounce when you're bored! The human body is pretty amazing at finding its medium, once you start losing more weight the things you're doing now will be too easy for you so you'll have to up…
  • My personal opinion, you're going to see the greatest amount of weight loss early on and like other users have posted you're going to reach a plateau where you're no longer shocking your body. But I would PUMP UP THE VOLUME on your seems weight loss is a very easy equation; eat less burn more. I would drop…
  • I saw the message and though I have no personal experience with this, I've read a bit about it and treated it on a few occasions so I could give my two cents here. As a disclaimer, I wouldn't consider this medical advice, if you're really concerned about exertional rhabdomyolysis then I would recommend following up with…
  • Hey there, I'm new here and in need of discipline! I think we've all been where I'm at...we've had ups and downs, we noticed bellies grow and shrink...we've jumped onto a new fitness plan and then fell into the well of excuses that curbs us off...we've zoombad, we've spun, we've teebo'd and jogged and we've all lost…