ymachick Member


  • Hi. I agree with the posters on being patient and not weighing yourself too often. I weigh myself twice a week (Tues/Fri) because I can fluctuate +/- 3 pounds depending on whether I worked out the day before and water intake. A 4-pound increase after working my butt off would devastate me, so I do it b-weekly and look at…
    in Frustrated Comment by ymachick June 2012
  • I have way more than 30, but this is a great motivation! Here we go! SW: 233 (April 2010) CW: 212 (June 19) GW: 180 (for this challenge) Ultimate GW: 145 (or a size 8/10, whichever is applicable) My ultimate goal is actually more a size than a weight. I haven't been at my ideal weight in over 20 years so I'm not sure what…
  • It's definitely a love-hate relationship for me. I love the way I feel when and after I'm doing it. I love the way I feel stronger, more powerful and exhaustingly happy. I love the way my body responds to exerice and how I look better when I regularly exercise. I love the way my clothes fit better when I exercise. I love…
  • The internet and obsessing about the scale number (weight versus overall health). What that scale says that morning can dictate my mood for the day. Sounds so silly when you put it out there for everyeone to read...
  • I've always found it difficult to lose weight and even more so after I turned 40. I'm 43 now and yes, it's very difficult to move the scales downward. However, I agree with the community that your weight loss is a huge accomplishment. Any weight loss is an accomplishment for the individual losing it and I would ecstatic if…
  • I lost 50 pounds around 18 months ago and then plateaued in March 2011 while still needing to lose about 40 more. It seemed no matter what I did, the scles and inches didn't move. So, I lost motivation and focus and just...stagnated...made half hearted attempts to eat right, worked out but not like I was before (I did…
  • Congrats for taking the first step and welcome to the MFP community! I'm exactly halfway on my journey (45 down/45 to go) and know how it feels to lose and gain the same 30 pounds multiple times. This is agreat site to get support and ask questions as well as track your exercise and food. I echo the group's advice to break…
  • I Use an Omron full body sensor that gives weight, BF%, BMI, skeletal muscle and visceral fat. It wasn't cheap, but it gives the most accurate reading compared to a doctor's scale that I've ever had on a home scale. I was doing a weekly weigh in at a doctor's office for about three months and the difference between my…
  • ktvaughn -First, Happy 21st Birthday! Second, enjoy your day. It only comes once and you can get back to salad and squats tomorrow. :drinker:
  • I agree with cmriverside, opinions on carbs are all over the board. Additionally, I think that carbs affect people differently. In my case, I get better results if I maintain a low-carb lifestyle. I have lost around 50 pounds and need to lose 40 more and I know I see better results when I target 60 carbs or less per day. I…
  • I love all these recommendations and wrote them down. Now, I'm going to try to incorporate some similiar ones for work. (I work in an office about 50% of the time and the other half from home). Thanks for the great ideas! P.S: I agree with the shopping thing. :) I've lost 50 pounds and have about 45 more to go.
  • Sure, you can do it every day to get your cardio. In fact, I have an ellipse and wow! it is very challenging. I find it harder to keep up than a treadmill. I have a bad knee too so I know where you are coming from. That being said, if you are trying to lose weight and stay healthy, I would also include weight training in…
  • I would add some free weights (I use, 5s, 8s, 10s). I guess what it really comes down to is what motivates you. I only enjoy the gym when I have someone there with me. I'm not really extroverted enough to truly get into it on my own. But, that's totally a personality thing as I know lots of people who really enjoy the gym.
  • Down just .5 pounds. Very frustrating. I don't know if I can do any better than this. I really worked hard over the past week to stay on plan for just half a measley pound. :angry:
  • I'm also a drinker and face the same exact problem. I do well all week with both diet and exercise then blow it on the weekend and then have to make up for it the next week---a vicious and frustrating cycle. I like the advice from bcattoes It's realistic and do-able. I'd add the recommendation from another post to drink a…
  • I ALWAYS weigh more the morning after I work out, especially if it's weight training (vs. just cardio). I've learned to live with my fluctuations since I cannot change them, even if they frustrate me. I can fluctuate +/- 4 pounds on any given day, which can be emotionally frustrating. I just try to stay the course (for me…
  • There are a couple I like. My favorite is the Medi Weightloss brand becasue it is thick and seems to stick with me longer. BUT, I think it's overly expensive and if you don't have a location near you then you have to get it online, which might not be convenient and shipping makes it even more costly. But it is definitely…
  • Thanks for your response, Renee. Yes, it's a doctor's supervised program but like you, I'm suspicious of the long term success of such calorie restriction and pills. I worry about the maintenence when you go back to the "real world" since you can't stay on 800 cal/day and diet pills for ever. I'm looking for a sensible,…
  • I have a question for the group. I'm doing a plan called Medi-wieght loss, which is basically a very low calorie and low carb diet combined with appetite suppressants and a weekly weigh in. It's very expensive and I get stressed each week as Friday nears and I know I will have to explain why I cannot keep under 800…
  • It's a great question and I can't wait to hear what the community says. I can tell you, I live a low carb lifestyle most days (not no carb and not every day) and it's the only thing that keeps me from gaining back the 45 pounds I have lost over the past 18 months. I try to avoid white bread, rice and potatoes as much as I…
  • Hi, I just found this group today and would like to join. I already weigh in each Friday so I'll put my weight from last Friday on the google form and take it from there. Just to confirm, we submit the form each Friday so you have all our data in one place, correct? Looking forward to the challenge! :wink: SW: 233 (April…
  • Awesome job!!!! It's the little things, all put together, that make real change.
  • I agree with the other posts. Check your inches lost because with all that exercising, you likely gained muscle and lost fat, which is a GREAT thing since muscle doesn't jiggle! If you're looking good and feeling better, and your clothes are getting loose, don't sweat it. You are doing great! I will go weeks where I don't…
  • Huge Congrats! I know how hard just 6 tiny days can be so you should be proud!
  • Hey now. Don't give up after just three weeks. I've been on MFP since early December and I've lost 15 pounds. I, like you, am doing 'everything I'm supposed to do' -- P90X 4 or 5 days a week, low carbs, low calories, and it's worked great...EXCEPT for the past two weeks I've haven't moved the scale down. In fact, I weighed…
  • I was told by my nutritionist that you can count it as long as it's a clear(ish) calroie free, low-carb drink. So, unsweetened tea, crystal light, Powerade Zero, etc. all would be okay. Coke, Diet coke, any juices, etc. would not. Hope this helps.
  • I'm on the Medi Weight Loss plan and it works great for me .I've lost 15 pounds since early December. In reality all it is is a low-carb, low-calorie meal plan, but the weekly appointments keep me accountable, which is what I need right now. I also do P90X (exercise plan) 4-5 days a week, which has really made a difference…
  • Your profile picture exemplifies exactly what I mean about BMI 'miscalculations' .... you are a far cry from obese.
  • You look amazing!! I'm at 45 pounds lost and I looked at a pic from about two years ago and was mortified that I was actually that big. Kudos for your hard work and amazing results. Keep it up!