Lau03 Member


  • SW: 162 CW: 152.2 GW: 132 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (11/01 Saturday): 155.2 11/08 Sat: 152.2 11/15 Sat: 11/22 Sat: 11/29 Sat: End of Month (11/30 Sunday): Total weight lost:
  • Thank you so much for the script! FYI - I wanted to keep track of sugar and not remove it from my settings. On line 114, I changed: else if (index==6 && $(this).hasClass('delete')) { to else if (index==7 && $(this).hasClass('delete')) { We're simply offsetting the columns where total points should be displayed by 1 And…
  • I realize this post is quite old, but like to OP, I'm trying to move from WW (my 12-week session is ending soon). I've lost 10 lbs on WW over the past 10 weeks (slow and steady) and I want to see if I can make the transition. WW doesn't look at calories, but at Fat, Carbs, Protein, and Fiber. Sugar isn't tracked (hence why…