sprapp Member


  • Yep, here comes my favorite season fall, and now along with it comes chilly air and aching muscles. I see my neurologist on Monday to get "winterized." lol. Wonder what adventure that will bring...
  • Same here. I can only walk about 15 minutes but can do a bit longer in the pool so calorie restriction is what will help me the most. Hang in there. I enjoy this site because watching my calories is something I can have control over as I learn to manage pain. My motto is now "baby steps."
  • I was diagnosed with Fibro about 3-4 years ago and stayed in denial until last year when I finally had to stop working. I had a lower back fusion in 2006 and have been in pain ever since. I kept insisting that my pain had to do with the surgery but as it's spread throughout my body I finally had to concede. I've always…
  • Woo Hoo!!! You go girl!
  • Hello All, I just joined this website yesterday and this is my first outreach to others with fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed a few years and stayed in denial until this past year when the pain got to the point I could no longer work. I look forward to being part of such a nice support group from what I've read here so far.…