

  • embarassment causes you to sweat. So can anger lol with are both things i feel while shopping
  • hmmm, I am def not a man. Perhaps the men are just more realistic and dont try to kid themselves.... we are all here cuz were fat right? I love how some people are allowed to have an opinion and others cant cuz its not the right one...LOL
  • hmm... i have mixed feelings on this. I say cudos to her but seriously. It seems like the new channel was running out of material and needed something so there were like " hey! someone called you fat! half of the american population is overwieght, they can relate." so the did a few minute slot on it and tried to shape it…
  • Always! but think the worse for me is buying underwear. lol I dk why but it bothers me the worse. :laugh: that and when i have bought maternity shirts cuz the fit me better, but im not pregnant..... that is bad also.....:blushing: Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I feel this way right now. I have only been at it for 2 weeks but I am rather discouraged that iv only lost 6.4 pounds :( and im with you buddy, im sick of being the, quote "she would be so pretty if she was thin" girl. Seriously, I walked up behind one of my co-workers telling my friend that when she thought I wasnt…
  • I just left the gym. And i feel like this everytime. I remember my first day at the gym (draged by my boyfriend who wanted someone to hold the boxing bag) I walked though the doors and was happy to find that i wasnt the only large woman there! im sitting at around 238ish right now, so i was suprised. after that i realised…