castell5 Member


  • I'm 48 and just dropped 47 lbs in 6 months will simple diet, exercise and willpower. No FAD diets, no "cheat" days. Feel free to add me.
  • Unless you are a cat, you should be eating more then 1200 calories a day. Especially if you are actively exercising. Get too extreme and you'll be fighting a food disorder. Be sensible.
  • I am 5 foot - 3 inches. Weighing 177 was not working for me. Nope, not at all.. had to do something, so on May 6th 2012, I did, I got my butt out of bed and went up to a high school track and started running. I ran one lap and thought I was going to die! I wanted to unzip my chest, lay down on the ground and hang my tongue…
  • Yes, I was at Jungle Island, it is such a nice place!
  • Wow! You carry your weight ALOT better then I ever did~ Good luck, you can do this. You will do this!
  • It is so nice that with a site like this, you can truly get validation for your efforts! Good luck to everyone who sees me as an inspiration! I know with hard work and dedication you can do it too! It is so worth it to put 6 serious good, hard working months in, really 6 months is not a long time! Thanks to everyone who…
  • Thank you all, for your wonderful words~ MFP is a great site. I love it!
  • This is my new Saturday breakfast for my husband and myself! It is good and in my calorie zone.
  • I LOVE bread, but I know it's not worth the calories if you are trying to shed pounds, so I just don't eat it, or should I say I didn't eat it when I needed to lose 47 lbs.. but now, I have lost that weight, so sometimes, if we go out to dinner, I do eat a small portion of the bread they bring to the table. Learn to LOVE…
  • If it was only one bad day, everyone else is right, it won't knock you down, but how was Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, your birthday? Now it's not one day is it? Holidays, Birthdays, Vacations, are not reasons to get off your quest if you have not yet reached your goal. They just delay your success.
  • Home, why waste the money? There is a world out there to run around on, or if it's too cold, use a treadmill at your house. Save a bundle.
  • I don't know what Diet Chef is, but good luck. Best advice I can give, is ignore FAD diets.
  • You can also add to the mash, instead of the listed spices, Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning packet, buy this raises the sodium and the calories some. But it tastes great and you can eat it as a side, like mashed potatoes, or throw it into an Omelete, or whatever. Fry it up with some ground turkey would be good too, or put it…
  • Cauliflower Mash – Substitute for fattening mashed potatoes. · Serving size 1 cup. Makes about 6 servings. Calories per serving (90) · College Inn –Chicken broth fat free 50% less sodium 1.5 cups · Quaker Oats – Old fashioned Oatmeal – Dry ¾ cup · 4 Tsp of Dried minced onions · 3 Tsp of Black Pepper · 2 tsp. Mccormick…
  • I do, I'll go get it and paste it in here for you. I call it Cauliflower Mash
  • Good for you! I am sure you feel great and I bet your doctor is happy with your results! Keep it up!
  • There is no set way to diet, except avoid FADS, watch calories, exercise and make your output greater then your input. Everyone has an opinion and every one has different dietary needs. Do you what is best for you.
  • You have the needed components to succeed! WILLPOWER, dieting, and if you add exercise, you will win and get what you want to get! Good for you!
  • Excellent job and kudos to you for taking charge of your life and your health! Just continue on the quest to stop the binges.
  • Cheat day? Who are you cheating?... Easy recipe... "Are my actions hurting or helping me to obtain my goal?"
  • That's a nice NSV for you!
  • 1200 is too low.. go up to 1400 and make sure to exercise as much as you can. I did the 1200 for about 5 weeks and was going to bed hungry every night. It sucked. I truly believe 1200 or less is starving yourself.
  • Love the questions and or advice you get from people who have never had to diet, or worse, have never been successful at dieting. Just reply "I am watching what I eat, as I have set a goal for myself and I intend to keep it" Then stick to your guns. I had an OBESE relative say that kind of crap to me in May when I started…
  • Snacking on those items is far better then a Snickers or KitKat... but remember they do still have calories. If you log using MFP what you snack on, you'll see where you are by dinner time to log accordingly. Or, map out your day in advance and measure your snacks into ziplock bags. Remember to drink alot of water which…
  • You don't need anything special to lose weight. Just common sense. Watch your calories, workout, add willpower and forget the stupid "cheat days" The goal is to lose weight, not cheat on yourself.
  • Give up and gain weight.. is that really what you want? Use the money you aren't spending on cigarettes (and that ought to be alot) and go buy yourself some pretty vibrant colored workout clothes. Then put them on and work out at least, (the bottom least) a half hour a day. Watch your calories and whallah.. you will lose…
  • Everyone can get too "extreme" in any activity. Google fanatic.. see if the definition fits you, if it does.. then taper off some.
  • Food is what got you into the "have to diet mode".. so food is not a best choice for a reward to yourself. Losing the weight is a HUGE reward all the way around, so reward yourself with a non food, like get a massage, go out to a movie, something you don't do all the time. Buy yourself a piece of jewelry.. there are so…
  • I reached my goal in November, and was very happy, then wanted it to be lower, so I adjusted my goal and now I have reached that and again, I find myself thinking.. a little lower... but really I should be saying you did it, you did good, now carefully, carefully, learn to maintain it. This is the hurdle, not the last few…
  • YOU are my inspiration buddy! I knew you would hit goal, I knew it! I had NO doubt in my mind! So now let's stay where we want to be. (Remember our bottom line weight!) you keep me in the right frame of mind, I'll keep you there! Let's do this together! KUDOS to you, KUDOS to you, KUDOS to you! You look great!