LaDonnaLoves Member


  • Help, I'm Stuck! It was really helpful knowing I'm not the only one who feels this way!
  • So, many of you know my journey has been looooong. This go round has been the most successful, as I started toward the end of last year and for 8 straight months, lost consistently, for a total of 80 lbs. I have been stuck in a rutt, recently, however, I maintain that I haven't gained (not without immediately taking it all…
  • You all are doing great! I'm sad to say that illness has taken me down the path of feeding my cold, or bronchitis as it were... I'm not doing terribly, just not tracking/exercising, so there is my honesty today!
  • I learned to love myself, so now I am my own best friend, treating myself the way I would treat my best friend. If my best friend is obese, and I love her, I won't take her to eat corn dogs at the county fair, etc. Find that for you...
  • -1.3 It's a LOT, considering I only monitored calories, barely getting in two brief walks this week! It's the end of our fiscal year at work, so I have been working insane hours, which is a double edged sword. I find myself too busy to obsess about food and so stressed I want to eat a LOT. One thing I learned this week,…
  • It took me a LONG time to find "the one", and I had always thought they were the one before, so it was completely overwhelming to find "the one" for REAL :) 1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? It was somewhere between 6-12 weeks. 2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? About 3-6…
  • Salkeela, I'm sorry if my response came across as anything other than positive. It was more of a, "glad you didn't whine" to me, I didn't hear you making excuses or complaining, and I was loving that - but clearly do not always communicate effectively, for which you have my sincere apology. LaDonnaflowerforyou Read my post…
  • RE: hunny73 (quote) Hello!!! i've been on this site for a while now but have have only managed to lose 12lbs (have another 73lbs to go). My downfall is not being able to stick with it for more than 2 weeks at a time, letting go on weekends and evening and making wrong food choices. I'm now trying to re-train my brain to…
  • Originally Posted by 1swlg (Judy in VA), reposted in this thread
  • Welcome, all! I am Ladonna, a 37 year old single (but taken) gal with one furbaby (3 yo pomeranian mutt) and I love just about everthing and everyone, except cooked vegetables ;) I have been on WW and lost 80 pounds this year, but was fed up with some of the technical flaws in the program. 1) MFP teaches you the real truth…