jerrygon10 Member


  • NEVER push myself that hard, it would be counter-productive for me. It has to be something you enjoy doing for the rest of your life in order for you to keep it up. For me it was walking, which is so under rated and discounted by so many people. Yet it helped me reach my goal very quickly once I learned to balance my diet…
  • For me it played a big role since I believe in God and His creation. I see myself as one of His creations and I am therefore charged to be a good steward of the "temple" He created. Once I decided to focus down and get serious about trying to be a better person and live a more balanced life things started to fall into…
  • Thank you ALL for your input (especially the guys). It's nice to know others have been through the same circumstances. I was surprised that other men responded, I thought it would only be women. I guess I'll maintain or maybe go no more than 5lbs lower. I'm very lucky that I did this gradually (1.5lbs a week more or less)…