matthewlamere Member


  • I drink only vodka and I mix it with water and those neofit no calorie flavor things. They have 0 calories 0 carbs 0 sodium and don't contain aspartame that fake sugar that's horrible for you. Tastes good and it takes me about 15 shots to get buzzin good so I save 1500-1700 calories for alcohol. I'm recommended 2400…
  • they say 300 carbs a day is the right amount.. its garbage. There's a big court case pending about how the food pyramid was made to intentionally deceive people into thinking they needed more grain products than they really do. Doctors who made the pyramid were apparently influenced by the larger corporations. What you…
  • I Personally go by what i weigh at night because it's my body weight on a full stomach and well hydrated. The weight in the morning is your "i just slept for 8 hours so i've digested all the food in my stomach and absorbed all the water" weight. Both are accurate and the morning weight is the best to go by how much you've…
  • Whenever i eat close to 1800-2000 calories i always gain weight rapidly. I think my metabolism is rediculously slow even though i work out because of how much my weight used to rapidly lose and gain in wrestling.
  • I met my caloric needs of 1300 calories with two protein shakes with 2% milk, 5 egg whites in a wheat wrap with lettuce and ketchup, and 3 cans of tuna no mayo but i'm just starving at night.. i try to sleep but sometimes i can't. I used to wrestle so i know what it's like to feel hungry and it's not like i'm in crippling…
  • I'm 6'0 and i'm aiming for around 152lbs which was the weightclass i wrestled in highschool :P
  • I plan on doing mine once a week because i want to see my progression, my weight fluctuates too much daily, but weekly i can see the losses. Hope that helps :)
  • when i actually put in the food i eat throughout the day i rarely meet my 1300 calories. today i only reached about 1,000 and i'm rarely hungry.
  • The fact that he's not over weight right now is why he isn't in the mood to diet. The empty calories from the beer will build up in his gut before they do any long term damage and he'll be begging you to show him the ropes on dieting so that this time next summer he can look just as good as you on the beach.
  • Believe it or not you'll get way better nutritional values from eggs and egg whites along with oatmeal and some sliced fruit than any type of cereal. I always go with two eggs and some red seedless grapes or an apple and it does the trick for me :)
  • Other than missing being as full as possible and eating chineese food every night i miss nothing what so ever :p
  • Congratz keep up the good work :)
  • Haha thanks guys, i love hotsauce and it just became a habbit back in highschool to eat it on everything. By the way anyone who's looking for new friends i accept everyone and i respond to any message be it question or random hello. :)