eys81 Member


  • Excellent post! I have so much to look forward to, thanks for sharing!!
  • bumping so I can read later
  • Congrats on your loss!! 100lbs is great & you look wonderful!!
  • Amazing!!! Thank you for sharing your story.
  • So many great ideas in this thread. I've updated my list to include several of the suggestions now I can't wait for this semester to get over so that I can start reading them!! Truly Great? Love in the time of Cholera -Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The story is good but the writing is heart achingly exquisite. Girl with the…
  • Red Lake Anishinabe who lives in Texas. Just getting serious about this, can't wait to add my success story to the list.
  • I'm glad that you posted this because I thought I was the only one. :D Although I would rather be invisible to people than be treated like **** by them any day. I am timid and shy by nature but I do know that the bigger I've gotten it switched from just being shy to full blown social anxiety disorder. My husband tries to…
  • I too am just getting started over. I went into summer thinking that since I wasn't taking any classes that I'd have all this time but it was an epic fail and I started over a week or so ago worse off than at the beginning. For me it is just about being realistic about what I can and cant do, planning what I'm going to eat…
  • My ultimate goal is 180 because that would make me under 30 BMI and eligible for infertility treatments. Of course if I'm 180 I may not need the treatments so either way its a win. I have 331lbs to loose before then but I just focus on 10lb increments so that I don't loose hope. So I've got 33, 10lb increments to go!!
  • Woohoo!! That is awesome!! Congrats!!!
  • I love readings all these NSV's - they are inspiring! My recent NSV is really just a change in mind set. I've always been big and wanted to be smaller and thought that "once I lost the weight then _____" you can fill in the blank with so much - then I'll be worthy, pretty, able to wear nice clothes, sexy, a better friend,…
  • Just what I needed after being gone all summer. I thought I would kick butt even though I was away from home and that SO didn't happen. I'm definitely going to learn from my mistakes and am starting getting back on track this week by logging - the good, the bad the ugly, doesn't matter as long as it gets logged and…
  • Thanks for all the good ideas. Last weekend was not as good as I had hoped but certainly much better than usual. We did 3 out of 6 meals at home. Even better we have eaten at home every night this week. Its so hard to break those bad habits but slowly slowly I know I can do it!!!
    in The Weekends Comment by eys81 May 2013
  • That is a great idea!! I found that I will drink a lot more if I have it a cup with a lid and straw. Training from all these years of eating out I suppose but I do at least get the water in.
  • Good luck!!! You can do this!!
  • I second the Patricia Cornwell recommendation. They were my go-to for a long time. I also really love the Leaphorn and Chee books by Tony Hillerman. The first one in that series is the Blessing Way, it is fantastic!!!
  • I think my biggest struggle is making cooking healthy food and working out a part of my routine. I have such bad habits (eating out, being sedentary) very firmly in place and I'm working at breaking those bad habits. Its slow and I keep reminding myself to just focus on making better choices today only. I can worry about…
  • You can add me. WTG!! On your first 40 :)
  • I love Anita Blake, The Inheritance Cycle, and Paulo Coelho!! I'm going to have to look up the other two on your list and add them to my queue. :)
    in Top 5 Comment by eys81 February 2013
  • Top 5!! Ah, that's hard to do. The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan - I've already reread most of these 5 or 6 times and listen to them over and over on audible as well. All of Jane Austen's - I reread her books every summer Sword of Truth - Terry Goodkind Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling Anything written by Paulo Coelho Anne of…
    in Top 5 Comment by eys81 February 2013
  • I grew up wanting to be a writer. I still have this dream that someday I will write down the stories that circulate around my brain. I know that it needs to be a habit, but like so many others I haven't put it into practice long enough to make anything come of it. Good luck on your writing!!
  • Did day 1 again. Will go for a walk tonight. Also got my husband to join me. Woot!
  • Done!! I am so freaking happy! My burpees were essentially just me laying down on the floor and getting back up but at my weight that is hard work. :embarassed: The wood chops were brutal too but in a good way!! I used this video to modify the mountain climbers: http://youtu.be/P3_0_XxmRn4
  • You look amazing!!! I love the picture of you conquering your fear of skiing - what an inspiration!!!
  • Got it done. A couple modifications but overall super happy!!
  • I have had a gym membership on and off for several years. I usually get one, start out strong, psych myself out of going (I have really bad anxiety) and then get tired of paying for something I don't use and cancel it after months of not going. I just rejoined my favorite gym (L.A. Fitness) the end of December and haven't…
  • I usually wear a swim suit with mens swims trunks over the bottom. Although it doesn't look that great I feel covered and comfortable enough to go. I get my suits from OneStopPlus, which is just a site that has the other stores mentioned (romans, woman within, etc.) all in one place. I haven't been in a long time but look…
  • 1/31/2013 - 508.4
  • I cried my heart out when RJ died! Started reading his books 15 years ago. I met my husband on a WOT fansite. Oh, Robert Jordan made my life a better place in so many ways. <3
  • I also found this to be true. I'm glad that he got a tv deal & they are making this series come to life (I haven't watched it yet) but I think that he is way too dismissive and rude to his fans that have been waiting years and years for books only to end up with the rubbish of books 4 & 5. One of my least favorite authors…