

  • not sure what u mean but i love zumba and go every thursday love love love it!!!!!!!!!!:love:
  • 1.Name: hayley 2.Age: 25 3.City: cambridge england 4.Occupation: labelling technitian 5.Wedding date: may 2012 6.Fiancés name: michael 7.How long you and your fiancé have been together: 7 years 8.Heaviest weight: 203lbs 9.Goal weight and date: 147lbs 10.Favorite type of exercise: zumba 11.Favorite healthy food: yogurts,…
  • im a dieting bride getting married may 2012 seems a while off but ive got 4 stone to lose!! id love to be here for support as i need some too epecially now as im struggling to leave the food alone!!!:frown: