Seanieboy27 Member


  • Hey all, just completed Cardio Power, went well as can be expected and had to rest often. Also had issues with a couple of the exercises so had to swap these for ones I could complete. Couldn't do Tricep Dips and couldn't do One Legged Tricep Dips (obviously) so had to be a bit creative with this. Was aching a bit before…
  • Hello, i have just logged the exercise as circuit training, I am sure this underplays it a little but better that than overestimate the exercise. I have just completed (an hour ago) the Cardio and Plyometric session with plenty of rests along the way. I found I would start each set strongly but need to rest in the middle…
  • Wow thanks for the great replies, sitting here now with the aching muscles form the Fit Test and feeling tired but got to go ahead and do the first real workout tomorrow. Got the wife to snap front, side and back pictures as motivation. Shocked as I never really look in the mirror properly. Makes me want to ignore the…