doodlegram Member


  • Regarding Hunger - I have the same challenge. I find it's far worse when I'm not otherwise occupied, so try to occupy my mind on something other than eating. I also graze throughout the day (carrot sticks/satsumas/cucumber/celery, bell peppers). I also find preparing a meal helps; I prep dinner as soon as I get home from…
  • Half way through day two, and my colleague brought Mars Planets into work...... i'm resisting :) quite pleased with myself actually! I thought I'd try giving up cakes but i think i'll need something sweet. So I've purchased weight watchers carrot cake slices. the perfect mid afternoon snack, and will see me through until…
  • I'm going to start today! I find I snack on chocolate bits at work (damn you desk job).... this is going to be it for me until that sweet advent calendar chocolate on December 1st :) Good Luck Everyone!