

  • I don't need advisors how I spend money. Just yes or no good. That's it. Thanks to the people who did share valid info. This blog has gone to far. Im done.
  • Just forget it! Ill find what answers else where. Waste of precious time reading senseless post, now thats wasting money.
  • Im not sure I would ask anyone on here again... I didn't ask for jokes.. I am looking for REAL answers.. Weight loss miracle. NO, not looking for that. I know losing weight takes dedication and hard work which I do everyday. If I find something that will "help", I will add it to my routine.. Just looking for someone who…
  • I feel ya. I had a baby he is 2 now then I became pregnant again and lost that pregnacy at 13 weeks. Its so hard when you go threw something like that but all you can do is get on your feet and keep going. You can do it girl!