saunca Member


  • "Why do you not eat back at least part of your exercise calories? You need to fuel the workouts, not to mention making sure you are meeting you macros/micros for optimal health. " Yes! What they said. If you've increased your workout load, but are not eating some of the earned calories back, your body may end up in…
  • I finally was able to start jogging (not running), just a really slow & non-bouncy gait, about 6 years after getting IC. It took that long to find a combination of Meds, stress mgt, non-traditional treatment like acupuncture, and diet changes that brought my pain & urgency down to a bearable level. Until then, all I could…
  • Hi! I just re-started using MFP and saw your IC post. Yes! Absolutely, I gain a few pounds after a flare. I haven't figured out whether its my body's production of antihistamine that's all piling up in my belly, if its simply an inflammatory response from the flare, or if I have put my body into "starvation" mode. Any if…
  • Rachael, Those almond/coconut balls sound good. Can you forward the recipe? Do you have any variations without coconut in them?
  • Kinda glad to see someone else in this position. I, too, am usually "hilariously" over my daily sugar allotment!!! On that note.....Does anyone know of an alternative choice for Peppermint Chocolate Luna Bars. I LOVE these things, some days I end up eating 2 of them. Their easy to grab & go. But, the sugar content is too…
  • Thanks, Malimaz!
  • Brandy, Couple ideas. First, did you just start keeping track of your calories/meals? Sometimes, a person gains or "stalls" in the period just after they start their calorie restrictions. Your body might just be doing a little freak-out because of the cut in food intake. But, definitely get a scale. Also, are you tracking…
  • Hi Malimaz, I tried to post a "new member" introduction of myself a few days ago, but I can't seem to find it on your message board. Maybe I'm not navigating the board correctly? Can you let me know if you received it? I'm interested in your group and connecting with others that are battling illness & weight loss at the…
  • Hi Nancy! I'm just about 42 and 5'1 as well!! I KNOW what it's like to carry around 40-50 of extra weight while being so short!! There's not a lot of places for the extra weight to go. I'd love to be support buddies. I started last year, just trying to lose 1/2 lbs a week. It was slow, but very steady, and I lost 22lbs in…
  • I agree! Definitely do not go sugar free if you'll be going through a bag every day or two. The artificial sugar (aspartame, Splenda, etc) will give you terrible diarrhea. If it's the feeling of having to have something hard in your mouth to chew on, could you try ice cubes? You could even freeze juices or flavored water…