jkbunch Member


  • So, I didnt do so hot this week! I am having a really hard time with snacking at night! Starting weight for challenge: 164.0 June 21: 164.0 June 28: 164.0 BOO July 5: July 12: July 19: July 26: Aug 2: Aug 9: Aug 16: Aug 23: Aug 30: Sept 6: Sept 13: Sept 20: Goal for challenge: -15lbs Loss so far in challenge:0 Loss overall:
  • Im in. Current weight:164 GOAL weight: 135
  • Hi I am Jestina, I am just trying to stay within the calorie range MFP recommended. I want to also eat less that 75 carbs a day. I need accountability! Starting weight for challenge: 164.0 June 21: 164.0 June 28: July 5: July 12: July 19: July 26: Aug 2: Aug 9: Aug 16: Aug 23: Aug 30: Sept 6: Sept 13: Sept 20: Goal for…
  • Thanks! I am not doing anything to strenuous or high impact. I have been mainly doing Denise Austin's boot camp dvds. I
  • I was just wondering because they say to have a day of recovery after strength training. But maybe circuit training is more considered cardio?