

  • I'm considering seeing an allergist for shots soon, most likely to start a plan for next year. It'd be the easier option rather than having to be on all types of different medications for my symptoms like I am now! How have your shots worked out for you so far?
  • Hi! I've always taken allergy medications for my seasonal allergies and just started to notice the effects of Zyrtec on my body. Before going on Zyrtec, I was roughly between 110-114 pounds on any given weigh in, which was normal for me. After I started taking it regularly from late March into early April, I saw my body…
  • Height: 5'0 Weight: 114 Thighs: 21 Calves: 13 Body fat: 25% Maintaining a healthy "weight" (as per online bmi calculators) is pretty difficult for my size and body shape, because I bulk up pretty easily. I carry most of my weight in my chest and thighs, but struggle with keeping it off my midsection.