susanecho Member


  • Hey girls, Sorry haven't been on for awhile. Back to work full-time and busy catching up on housework on my days off. Haven't worked out either, but planning on doing that tonight since I have tomorrow off. Have been craving sweets lately and usually I crave salty things. I don't know why but I want chocolate all the time.…
  • Wow, Catalina you look awesome! Congrats on all your hard work! Wish I looked like your before picture. I have a long way to go :sad:
  • Hey MercuryBlue, you can have an additional 500 calories to compensate breastfeeding. It is suggested not to diet while breastfeeding so you don't lose your milk supply or be malnourished. I am also breastfeeding and I don't eat that many more, just 200-300 extra plus working out. For your late night snacking try fat free…
  • Hello girls, Been doing pretty well working out this week. I've been doing Tae Bo at home. I snuck in a weigh in just to see how I was doing before my real weigh in on Saturday and I lost 1/2 pound. Better than nothing, I guess the slower the loss, longer it will be sustained, rather than losing a lot all at once (even…
  • Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes! I'm Stephanie (shamm08) I'm…
  • Lost a whole pound! Wish it was more, but hey a pound is a pound. Stayed within my calories yesterday. Man that was hard. But it's good to see where the calories go and what to give up so you can have something else, like dessert! Is anyone else in the 1200 calorie limit? I do give myself a little more since I'm…
  • Well, I had breakfast this morning, yay! Not much of a breakfast person, but at least that's a start. I did some Tae Bo last night while the kiddo was sleeping, my buns are burning. Kristin...good job on the 5k, that's so awesome. I need to be creative and do a lot of home work-outs due to the baby and after working a 12…
  • I just joined MFP today. I came across your message board and would love to chat with you gals. I had a baby (c-section) 3 months ago and would love to lose the baby weight, plus the weight I had even before I was pregnant. I thought I had all this time to excerise, eat right, and be that perfect size and what do you…