

  • I had the same problem when I first started. I decided to do it in the mornings because that would guarantee I would do it every day. Later in the day I found that I could easily get out of it with a lot of excuses (work, tiredness, etc). So, what helped me out was this "Energy and Endurance Pre-Workout Formula," that I…
  • Not ideal, but maybe you can try this: ¾ to 1 cup Nature’s Path Flax Plus Pumpkin Flax Granola cereal, 1 cup of Silk Almond Milk, you can top with 1/2-1 cup sliced berries. This breakfast has about 486 calories, but will also include protein and just overall help you achieve your goals faster. I did this breakfast for 3…
  • Hi. If you are close by to North Tampa, come check out our fitclub. We workout there every Monday http://www.fitintampa.com/beachbody-fitclub-tampa.html
  • Like anything you have to do something that WORKS FOR YOU. It's different for everybody. Myself I drink Shakeology daily and don't find it expensive, especially when you compare apples with apples, since it's a meal replacement you have to look at cost per meal. Check here for a good breakdown…