

  • I've found sugar (or any kind) cravings can be indicative of an imbalance somewhere else in the body's chemistry. It's always a good idea to make sure you have a work-up with your health care practitioner to rule out anything that might be the cause. Something else to consider is that even if there isn't a "condition" to…
  • Low-carb can be a good thing, as long as you are limiting the wrong kind of carbs (ie, refined carbohydrates, white rice, pasta, bread, sugar), but still including the right ones from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. I agree with you completely that the weight often does come off faster when you restrict carbs…
  • Many congrats to you, and a thank you for sharing. This was just what I needed to hear today...a reminder of what is truly important! No pity parties for feeling bloated when someone can rejoice in being tumor free. Life is too darn short. Cheers to you!